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how does "infinity" work?

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DungeonJayne | 13:28 Wed 25th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
There are an infinite number of whole numbers.

There are also an infinite number of even numbers.

But if the number of even numbers ...

... is only half of the number of whole numbers ...

Is the number of even numbers truly infinite?

(when there is another number twice as big).

Wednesdays can be dull, can't they ?


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I think you may have answered my crossword clue...!!!
Twice as big as infinity makes no sense. Infinity means never ending.
I blame the Welsh...
Yes....because half of infinity is INFINITY.

Half of nothing is NOTHING.

Can't we talk about women's underwear?
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squarebear ...

That's right.

But does that mean that the number of even numbers is not infinite?

Although the sequence 2, 4, 6, 8 ... can be continued infinitely, the total numbers of numbers can always be doubled, by including the odd numbers.
No ,both even numbers and odd numbers are infinite.

sqad's example of zero may make it easier to understand. Half of zero is still zero. Half of infinity is still infinity.
infinity has always puzzled me, what number have we got to before scientists/mathemeticians or whoever have given up and said, oh sod it it's easier just to say infinity! also am puzzled by the continuing "discovery" of new digits in the irrational number pi, how do they discover these???
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Sqad ...

How can half of Infinity be Infinity?

If a number has been halved, then it can be doubled back.

If it can be doubled, it's not infinite.
what is half of zero? zero
what is two times zero? Still zero.

Inifinty is just at the other end of the scale.
My head hurts
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Sophie ...

Don't they calculate them, rather than truly "discover" them ?

The biggest prime number so far "discovered" (or calculated) has 13,000,000 digits.

Well, hey ... who's going to check it ?
Yes it can be doubled back providing the value is either infinity or zero.

Are you sure we can't talk about underwear?

Oh no. It's exploded
well Buzz lightyear could go beyond infinity :)
And even that number is as far from infinity as any other number.
Sorry about the mess
If you truly want to know what infinity is ! . Try going shoe shopping with a woman .
Shut up.
Sorry Ummmm
lol @ dustypuss

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how does "infinity" work?

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