Well, being the contrarian, I'd say we'd better continue to hope that the subject laws are set in stone. By that I mean, so far, at least, the laws of physics have been seen and tested to result in the observation they are universal. If the laws of motion, for example, weren't universally true, we would not have an observable universe nor would we exist. Newton is as valid here on Earth as he is in Alpha Centauri.
The corollary, however, is that there are certain probable laws (especially in quantum mechanics) that we either don't or can't know. Cosmologists are reasonably agreed (as much as one could expect) that the Big Bang produced, extremely early in the event, perhaps 10 to 14 dimensions, of which we observe only 4.
Jake alludes to principles involved in the formation and maintenace of Black Holes; it can be guaranteed that when the prinicples are discovered they will conform to universally accepted laws that are already set in stone, not contravene them. They may even be entirely new, but insofar as they relate to known Laws of Physics, will not disagree or prove them invalid.
I'd also take issue with the suggestion that there's a notable difference between physicists and mathmaticians in that one cannot exist without the other. The physicist's attempt to explain his observation of gravitaional effects, as an example, are entirely related to mathmatical formulae, no? I've never met a physicist that wasn't a first rate mathmatician... nor a mathmatician that didn't have a good working knowledge of physics.