How do I keep cats away from the flower beds?...but I don't want to use Cat Shoo as it stinks!...can anyone recommend anything else, apart from orange peel which doesn't work. Ta Muchly.
"Silent Roar" - a fertiliser based product with a Lion "ingredient" for want of a better word.
We have had terrible problems since started clearing back an overgrown garden and freshly turned soil is a magnet for the local moggies - this product has been most successful yet.
Have also used a couple of the battery powered motion activated ultrasonic scarers - which we have moved about the garden, seem to help too. Other thing we tried which is based on the orange peel theory is plastic rods which have a citric essence in them, they last for a few months - again couldn't say whether realy that effective. Water pistol was also added to our arsenal - told you we had problems!
Sourced all of the above items were from various sellers on Ebay.
Many Thanks guys, but rather than plan a 24 hour vigil to waterblast the little ****, I think I'll try Scardy Cat and/or Silent Roar and oh, I've just been told another's summat like a fake cat which you just stick into wherever; the cat has shiny green eyes!...but Ta Muchly to all of you.
An aquaintance says that a suitably baited old-fashioned mousetrap works womders. You may want to weaken the spring a little, (he says) - you wouldn't want to break the dear creature's nose, would you? Once it's been sprung, just leave it in view. The cat will give it a very, very, wide berth, or hopefully stay off your property altogether! (Of course, I would never use such a dastardly device myself). Oh. And please, please, don't ever use it if you have any hedgehogs around.
Okay Heathfield...but do they make mouse traps anymore or even the ironmongers who used to sell 'em? I promise not to hurt any hedgehog...if I wish I was a tree or a robin, I would also like to be a hedgehog!...but I'm a woodelf at the moment and I see loads of the little felows!