Actually, beginning with Earth's collison with a planet the probably size of Mercury or even Mars, our Moon was formed. Perhaps as early as 4.53 billion years ago. At least that's the prevailing theory for which there's some good evidence (see here:
http://spitzer.caltec...utoplay=true&limit=20 ). Fortuitously, the strike was exactly a glancing blow and did not destroy either, but the resulting debris coaleced and formed our Moon.
Additionally the Late Heavy Bombardment (LHB) would have been massive as well as the slightly later cometary bombardment which may have provided Earth with it's aboundant water.
But, there have been many other meteorite strikes, however, because of the active tectonic plate movement throughout most of Earth's history, the evidence has been folded and destroyed. Secondly, because of the "water-world" environment of Earth's earliest history, many of the meteroites of varying sizes would have splashed, leaving little or no evidence.