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Landing on an asteroid

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rov1200 | 12:24 Thu 29th Apr 2010 | Science
8 Answers
Obama has promised to land an astronaut on an asteroid by 2020. What sort of gravity are they likely to experience on the surface?


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Next to none.
Very little - Ceres is the largest 0.016% of Earth's mass (and hence gravity)

It's escape velocity is 500m/s that's just 223mph

To put that in context a large man would weigh about the same as 3 sheets of a4 paper
certainly a good place to have a crack at the world high jump record!
Surely the 'Out of this world high jump record'?
Wikipedia lists equatorial surface gravity of Ceres at 0.028g, roughly 17% that of the Moon.
The surface gravity of a few asteroids (relative to that of the Earth) are listed here:
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Thanks, I wondered how they will get to land and even stay grounded.

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Landing on an asteroid

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