fao WaldoMcFroog
<< If you're worried about what a bunch of (almost certainly) unqualified people say, speak to your GP, but do not just adjust medication on the mere say-so of us shysters and frauds!<<<
Good advice....but I do have to comment on your description of posters as "shysters and frauds"
Yes there are many people on here who unwittingly give unhelpful advice, but they do so on the best of intentions. Also there are qualified people, nurses with urological, haematological, obstetric experience ,optometrists, ophthalmic qualified personnel, health visitors, medically qualified, physiotherapists and Health visitors who without pay gibe their opinions freely on medical matters.
To describe them as "shysters and frauds" is, in my opinion disingenuous and I can only hope that your comments were not to be taken seriously.