Society & Culture4 mins ago
Welcome To The Seasonal section of The AnswerBank.Here we like to chat about what is going on whether it is the season of Good Will, Halloween or just Bank Holiday Monday or any other momentous time of year.
With the 11th Nov nearing us I am wondering if my feelings are shared with others. The wearing of poppies correctly really bugs me! I was always told the right way to wear your poppy was as follows....
what is the last postage dat efor xmas card from uk to jamaica?
Am about to send a couple of 2Kg packages to the U.A.E by air. The cost via the Post Office is horrendous, are there any very reliable, much less expensive companies? Any help appreciated. B
Have received a Chtistmas card from Royal Mail giving details of extra services e. g. more deliveries etc. (who'd have thought it - at Christmas!!!) I imagine every household in the country will be...
Do you think people will still be sending Xmas cards in 30 years time? I know of a few people now who aren't sending them this year.
I want to send some personal seasonal greeting cards this year, where can i get them professionly done?
thanks in advance...
Serious question as this is part of a family project on the subject of Christmas - We all know the history of Santa and the myths and stories surrounding the character but we still choose to believe...
I want to put on a short nativity as a tutor assembly in December. I need some ideas for cheap and easy costumes and props Thanks in anticipation.
im buying my son a small fun gift to go in with his 21st pressies, its a silver condom holder that can be engraved i need a little funny ditty re condoms to be inscribed, any ideas ps he is a sailor...
Sorry but for some reason i cannot post an answer - I was told that the green leaf bit is supposed to point to 11 for obvious reason
I'm planning a halloween party for the kids in my road (think under 10 yrs old) and wondered, aside from bob apple, what sort of activities people put on? We'll be trick or treating first, then back...
Dear All,
The Cat has Transformed into a Witch!
All the best,
Spare Ed...
Okay, so it's my sixteenth next month, and I havn't decided what to do ? Most of the people in my year who have already had their birthdays have had partys in halls with different themes, i.e, black...
I'm looking for a 2010 diary that is A5 size with week to a view on one page and a blank page opposite. Has anyone seen one in a shop?
This looks like a very straightforward and simple question -- but I have spent a lot of time and energy on it, and still don't have an answer. I would like to know the year when Easter was first...
Are there any Cricket Society members out there? If so, I need your help. I have mislaid the name & address of the person who normally deals with Christmas card orders. I usually order my cards in...
Is it here already?
Can anyone tell me where I might be able to pick a large batch of sloes in and around Walsall / Wolverhampton ... anyone seen any?
Does anyone know of the following rhyme that goes something like; There was a woman, old and thin Who waited by a churchyard door And watched 4 men carry a dead man in. Whoo-ooh Etc. I'm not sure if...
Hi I am hosting a fancy dress party where all the party goers ( from 0 - 60 years old ) have to come dressed head to toe in illuminous colours can some one please help me with a theme and games - I...