I still haven't done my Christmas shopping for 1998... that was the last time I had any involvement with the confounded annual greedfest! Pointless waste of time, money, effort and resources, if you ask me. And you know what? Going without it and refusing to engage with any of the silliness doesn't hurt one little bit. As Captain Sensible put it, Glad It's All Over... every year. Anyway, if you must have some excuse for celebrating, how about the 3 best reasons ever: 1: 21st December marks the upturn of the dismal winter darkness and the start of the long climb back to the sunny uplands of summer; 2: The turn of the year is always a moment for reflection, and hope for better times to come in the next 12 months; and 3: December 25th is the official birthday of all cats. No, really. Ask any cat. 'Nuff said.