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One Thing I Used To Hate About Christmas...

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sandyRoe | 17:02 Fri 20th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
...was the amateur, once a year, drinkers. They'd pack the bars, become maudlin, sometimes aggressive, and maybe throw up. What don't you like about it?


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The fact that to get out and buy the most everyday items, which you buy all through the year, takes planning queueing and frustration trying to park.
The crowded roads and shops and the rubbish tv
everything, the tacky musak in shops, the yo ho ho of the underpadded santas, grinning demoniacally at the little tykes, the family row on the day, the presents you don't want, aren't suitable, having to fix a smile when you know the one you want to be with has passed away, to be jolly when you don't want to be. The tv rubbish, the drunken stupidity of the out laws who can't keep their traps shut for long enough before the day is ended.
the plastic tree which won't shed, lights that ding out just as you got that last light fixed in, decorations that come down from the loft smelling of mildew, and the distant relatives who knock on the door who you are not expecting, but want to wish you a Merry Christmas as they were passing,
expecting an egg nog or two. The sickly chocolates that stick in your teeth, the drink that gets spilt, and the people who won't go home, having to unglue them from the lampshade,
apart from that .....
Leave my family out of this sandyRoe!
The stress............
Not a whole lot, I adore Christmas :-)
....and you too emmie!
Spending Christmas with people you avoid most of the year, lol!
I usually love Christmas but seem to be having a Bah Humbug time of it this year. Hopefully the cloud will lift soon.

Sandy, your comment about the drinkers made me laugh, a chap who we drink with round the pub refuses to go out Christmas lunchtime as (according to him) the pub is full of people who never go out the rest of the year and don't know how to behave properly.
you did ask.
I hate the fact that I'm supposed to have a family to celebrate with, I don't, so being constantly reminded of that gets on my nerves.
I don't do religion either, so TBH, I don't see the point of it all.
One thing I used to hate about Christmas was the inevitable family row. That doesn't happen now, so......I'm looking forward to a lovely, peaceful day.
when i was working in the pub, its always the "don;t go out at any other time" drinkers you had to watch

What annoys me is people who refuse to understand that just because i chose to stay on my own that i'm not lonely, they seem to think that because their ideal is to spend it getting stressed out with family that everyone else should think the same....
Never had a family row luckily.

I don't like the whole build up to Christmas. I hate the pressure it puts on people with it being so commercial and kids getting bombarded with adverts.

I hate shopping.

I quite like going to the in laws for xmas dinner.
I can empathise with that mcfluff. One year I took myself off to Frinton-on Sea, where I had a flat, and had a lovely time alone, cooking my own dinner, walking along the beach, being wished Merry Christmas by strangers and so on. But family do take persuading that that is what you want to do. This year, my 25 year-old daughter will be here; single, no partner, no children; and that I can happily cope with. Mind, she had to explain why she didn't want to spend Christmas Day with the rest of them !
Nothing to hate good festive fun. I don't like the grumpy folk though that don't like it but feel the need to share the fact with us.
what I hate is that some people 'get into debt' if you cant afford anything don't buy it .
people at work who don't speak to you all year and then want to be your friend at xmas to$$ers!
and no racing from Sunday to Thursday ...sure they are racing some where .Do the camels race in the desert at Christmas time .Where can you get the runners and riders.

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