Hi Blake.
Welcome back.
I seem to recall that you're in the USA. So that you can understand the perspective of the Brits you'll find here, I'll point out that until quite recent years, Halloween wasn't celebrated at all by most people here in the UK.
So, given that many of the people here are 'of mature years', you might not find that many people recalling Halloween activities from their childhood days.
For example, I was 10 years old before I ever heard any reference at all to the word 'Halloween', and that was just a passing remark by my schoolteacher that "tonight's said to be the night that when there are ghosts and witches about". Nobody had ever heard of 'trick or treating' here then and shops didn't sell things like costumes and masks. At the end of October, all that children in the UK were looking forward to was Guy Fawkes Night (a.k.a. Bonfire Night) on 5th November, which is similar to July 4th in the USA, with everyone letting off fireworks.
So I'm possibly no the only one here who hasn't really had any significant 'Halloween experiences' at all. I do recall going into a pub about 10 years ago though, largely to avoid having to put up with loads of trick-or-treaters knocking on my door all night long. (We've imported trick or treating from the USA over the past couple of decades or so). It turned out that the pub was holding a family disco for all the kids and parents who'd just finished trick or treating for the evening and there was a lovely family atmosphere, with all the youngsters still in their costumes and bouncing with energy. I had a very enjoyable evening and I met some lovely people. So that was probably my favourite Halloween experience.