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Frost In September

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renegadefm | 15:55 Tue 10th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
27 Answers

I couldn't believe my ears last night, when our local news show said there will be some frost on Friday. 

I'm thinking hang its still technically summer. 



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global warming...

I am cold right now!! Winter is definitely coming early. 😕

Are you up north?  

On average, most places in the UK experience one to five ground frosts in September.  Not so unusual but far more common in the north of the UK

High ground maybe ?

One can still get weather due to artic winds any time. And sure, global warming will change weather patterns  so that could end up being more common.

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I'm in Cornwall, and surrounded by sea, so its incredibly rare to get frost even in winter here let alone September. 


But that said I have witnessed snow in May, but only once in my lifetime. 


When I was a child we could guarantee snow most winters. But I can't remember the last time we had proper snow, the type of snow which causes chaos on the roads, that would be years and years ago. 

Air frost or ground frost?

Since when is September summer?

I used to regularly camp in Scotland.  I remember one year it was perishing cold at the end of August to the extent that several nights in a row the temperature was below zero.  My word it was chilly.

>>> "I'm thinking hang its still technically summer"

There are many different definitions of when the seasons start and finish (which have been discussed multiple times here on AB in the past) but the Met Office officially goes with these:
March + April + May = Spring
June + July + August = Summer
September + October + November = Autumn
December + January + February = Winter

So, as far as the Met Office is concerned at least, we're now 10 days into Autumn.

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The local weather report today was that we are still just about in summer, its not Autumn until the 16th of September. 

Don't shoot the messenger, I'm only saying what the weather reporter said. 


Personally I don't class it as autumn until the leaves start falling from the trees, and that hasn't happened yet. That normally starts at the end of October. 

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Sorry I said Autumn starts 16th of September, but officially Autumn doesn't start until 22nd of September. 

So technically we are still in summer time. 

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Summer doesn't end officially until 22nd of September at 1.43pm

The leaves are falling from the trees in my garden.  They're no longer green but brown and dried up.  I need a sweeper upper.  I'm on the SE Coast.

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I can only assume different parts of the country are affected differently. 

But Summer doesn't officially end until 22nd of September at 1.43pm.


I just got that information online. 

The dates of the seasons are neither here nor there.  The weather will do what the weather will do irrespective of the date.  It's been a dreadful summer. 

I really feel for the farmers who have had a dreadful cereal yield across the board.

As someone who grew up on a farm, I am a bit surprised that the weather seems to surprise you.  The vagaries of our weather should be of no surprise to farming folk.

Sorry but surely everyone knows that summer ends and autumn starts on my birthday.

It's chilly here this evening.  I've just put a blanket on my bed as only had a cotton sheet and bedcover on all summer.

Lots of leaves fallen round here (South coast of Hampshire).

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