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Could All Help With Signing My Petition

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renegadefm | 18:57 Sun 24th Nov 2024 | Seasonal
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And the petition is for? No information on the link. 

Interesting, the confirmation email says what it's about

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Sorry its a message I want to send to the government, to stop altering the clocks in Autumn, and just leave them set to BST

What is it about?

lol no I won't be signing that!

No I won't, this has been done to death. Leave it as it is, most people like it. 

I believe that the further north you go the more obvious it becomes that the idea is sound.

People living in the south of England should count themselves lucky.

Leave things as they are.


It ain't broke don't fix it.

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Any help would be appreciated, just to get the petition off and running. It needs at least 5 signatures before they even publish it. 

No. I'm very against the idea

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Could you please explain why your against it?


Instead of asking folk to justify why they shouldn't sign, how about you justify why they should.

No I won't be signing it, but you might get a bit more support if you say what the petition is for and why you feel so strongly.

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The full explanation is on the petition. 


To cut the story short, I simply hate it being dark at tea time. 

Theres lots of reasons I have really. 

My partner hates driving in the dark, she says the other car lights dazzle her, so she won't drive after 4.30 in the afternoon. 


Personally it seems to affect my mental health with it being dark so early. 

Crime rises in the dark evenings. Theres all sorts of reasons I would keep the clocks set to BST

I recall having to walk to school in the dark with fluorescent armbands when there was an experiment with BST in the sixties. It just meant that people were having to drive and walk in the dark in the morning rather than the afternoon. The length of daylight won't change. 

If the clocks don't change people in the north will be going to school in the dark.

Campaigners have sought a return to British Double Summer Time or a permanent British Summer Time to save energy and increase the time available in the evenings. An attempt was made by backbench MPs to change BST but The Daylight Saving Bill 2010–12 was not passed by the House of Commons.

Opponents pointed out that in the north it would create social disadvantages: for instance, in the far north-west of Scotland sunrise would occur at about 10am in winter, and over much of the north children would have to travel to and from school in darkness. 


Well it was not immediately apparent to me without me putting my details in.  It boils down to the fact that you hate it.  I cannot see any valid reason.

Lights do dazzle in the evening - but might be worth having eyesight tested since that is a factor.

But tbh even if it were changed, by the time you get to December, it is going to be pretty much dark by 4.30/4.45 in any event.

I will not be signing.

How does she feel about driving in the dark in the morning, renegade?

The details might well be on the petition but without seeing those details, how would folk know whether the proposed petition is worthy of sponsorship or no?

What is the exact wording on the proposed petition?

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She hates driving in the dark full stop. 

But I think its more noticeable the fact she won't drive anywhere from roughly 4.30 in the afternoon. 


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