I used to put mine round and round. It used to take me ages so I bought a new tree with the lights already on! All I can say is thank god to whoever invented that! Merry Xmas when it comes!
I just kind of chuck 'em at the tree, really and straighten 'em up where they fall. Since I make it a tradition to have something alcoholic to hand/mouth when decorating the tree, the results are somewhat random and always a talking point.
Oh yes! just throw them at the tree, and just tidy them a little, it's supposed to be fun, I hate to see those manicured trees, just enjoy dressing the tree, have a few drinks! it's Christmas!!
I'm a bit of an obsessive when it comes to decorating the tree!!
I start at the top and work my way round to the bottom. I then spend about 10 minutes making sure they're 'just right'. Then put on baubles, beads ect. (no tinsel). when it's finished i still stand there and think that it doesn't look right!!
Afterwards, if anyone tries to move a bauble, I get annoyed and tell them to leave it where it is.