But it won't be long!!!!! And just before Christmas, when everyone's racing round, saying they haven't even started buying yet, I'll be able to relax, knowing all mine are wrapped up! It's so much easier to spot something that you think someone's going to like, and get it there and then. Wrap it up, put it away, and forget about it for a few months! x
Lol! I don't know why people think it's depressing to mention Christmas. It's a lovely time of the year! Also -I bought another pressie yesterday! Loads to go though - that's why I start early!
Christmas , is lovely whenits over ......... it wasnt tso greaat the year before last , when that "hamper supply company" went tits up..... it was called - ???? PAK " ... the name slips my mind did they have depot , in Wiltshire...... customers didnt get any gods , and probably only a a few quid back if any,,,,,,, tootaloo