My eyes have been very swollen (underneath) for several days but I'm not sure if it's hayfever because I have no itching or irritation. I've tried not using usual moisturisers, make up etc, but it's still there. I have absolutely no other typical hayfever symptoms (runny nose, sore throat etc) - so could it still be hayfever? I'm taking Benadryl one-a-day at the moment just in case but there's no improvement. I/ve never had hayfever before but know it can start at any age. Anybody else had this?
I had something similar last year. My optician said it I had got something in my eyes that I was allergic to, and because I was wearing Night and Day lenses the allergen had stayed in my eyes and made it worse. He advised me not to wear any contact lenses until it cleared up (which took a few weeks) and to use Opticrom eye drops. They really helped, and if my eyes start to feel itchy or uncomfortable I put one or two drops in. This might work for you and ease the swelling.
Thanks for answering snorkmaiden. After some two weeks of antihistamines, I stopped using anything on my face for a couple of days and the swelling and redness disappeared. I then tried my face cream once more and lo and behold, all the swelling was back within twelve hours (I've been using it for some years but had recently opened a new pot). It's Thermafirm by Avon so I guess they've changed the ingredients slightly. I tried again a few days later and got the same reaction. At least I haven't got hayfever!!!