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What is the most useless present ever?

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topogigo | 08:30 Sat 02nd Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I was just thinking about what my nephew and niece, aged 10-12 at the time, bought their granddad for Xmas. The leather elbow patches and leather cuff trims that a bespectacled maths teacher from the sixties may have worn on his tweed sports jacket. Very festive.


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When I was a small child, my uncle (god rest his soul) gave his girlfriend �� to get the christmas presents one year. It was obvious she had spent it on herelf and gave us kids things she already had. I got a book on how to wrap presents!
I hope the book was well wrapped!
The leather elbow patches and leather cuff trims that a bespectacled maths teacher from the sixties may have worn on his tweed sports jacket. Very festive.

HAHAHA! that was one funny description,because its so true and spot on!

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What is the most useless present ever?

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