What do you think makes a really good party?? in The AnswerBank: Seasonal
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What do you think makes a really good party??

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lollyone | 11:57 Tue 02nd Dec 2008 | Seasonal
8 Answers
Aside from the obvious answer-plenty of booze, What do you think makes a house party a good one. I must be mad, we're having 40 or so people round on Saturday night for an early Christmas party to compensate for my lack of a social life this year (our baby is due on New Years Eve) I was just wondering if anyone has been to any memorable party's, anything different? seeing as I'm going to be one of only a few sober ones, I'm worried I'll notice more if people think its cr@p. Maybe I'm just worrying for nothing.
thanks peeps.
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Party games. :-) I had win lose or draw at one of my parties
Quite honestly, I think it all boils down to inviting the right mix of people. You can do your best to provide all the ingredients for a really good party, but it depends on the people you invite.

Put the right people in a room together with some good music, drink and food and you have success!
FORTY people???? Large bottle of Prozac!!!!!!!!
I've thown some cracking parties over the years and, sorry Lofty, I have to 100% agree with you (AGAIN). It's down to the people that you invite.
oh, and relax and stop worrying that they aren't enjoying themselves.
Have a great night x x x
LOL Debbz - we do seem to think alike don't we!!!
One of the worst parties I've been to is to one where the hostess insisted that everybody take their shoes off as they came in! It made everybody feel uncomfortable (the carpet must have been stinking by the end of the evening with everybody's sweaty feet!) Had she said bring along inside shoes or whatever that wouldn't have been a problem. On top of this, we hardly saw her as she was in the kitchen a lot. Make people feel comfortable and let them see you're enjoying their company and it'll be great.
Something we do where there are people from different circles i.e family, work, friends or if the age groups are a big range is Autograph bingo" or you could just call it a quiz. Basically print enough sheets for everyone, and they can decide to play or not or team up, You need as many questions as you want 10,20 etc starting with find smeone who... you then (knowing all your invited quests) choose statements that you know someone will definately be able to answer and sign to prove it, e.g Has seen Man Utd play more than once, knows the name of the teletubbies, can name 5 Beatles songs. It always goes down well as it comes across as spur of the moment, and if no-one is interested its no big deal or failure (thats never happened mind) And it gets people warmed up and mingling. Have a great party and good luck for your Best New Year ever.

I had a cocktail party the other week to celebrate my partner's 30th. We asked everyone to bring a bottle of spirit (rather than beers and wine) and I bought tons of mixers, soft drinks like coke, lemonade, tonic, soda and loads of different fruit juices and fresh fruit. I made a cocktail list, which included quite a few non-alcoholic cocktails and printed it up onto cards like a menu so people could choose what they wanted. It was loads of fun and most people had a go at making all sorts of concoctions.

We have a Playstation with Singstar, so ended up belting out some truly awful songs, but it was a great laugh. My best friend is 7 months pregnant so she wasn't drinking but said the highlight of her night was watching so many p1ssed people thinking they could really sing (think X-Factor auditions - similar to that!)

Hope that's helped with your ideas and best of luck for your new arrival :-)
I have to agree that it all depends on who you invite!
I don't drink either but all our friends and family do so we always make sure there is plenty of booze.
The best party I ever held was a theme night, it was loads of fun.
I also planned the food on the theme of the party so made it more interesting then having sausage rolls again!

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