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A tribute to my non Scottish friends

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CarlSagan | 19:00 Sat 24th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
I do hope that you all find a place to go on Burns night where the people talk properly and eat food fit for human consumption, and there is no awful skwailing and screeching noises.


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How tolerant of other cultures you are.
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Ask a Scotsman who he supports when England play Germany at football?
I was in the RN, i know. Only a few have i ever known would support England, yet the English happily support the Scots at football. It is a matter of common decency.
Now you're just tarring us all with the same brush. Does it help if I tell you I always support England unless they're playing Scotland? I dont' see the point in supporting non British teams. It's childish and unecessary.

Would you be happy about it if I told you that just because you support football, then that automatically equates to you being a yob that starts trouble?

It is you that is not showing some common decency or godamn respect.
HELLOOO sailor!
like my haggis get stuffed
I like scottish people even tho I dont know what the heck there talking about half the time
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Lakitu, you just prove my point.
I am not tarring you with the same brush. And i am not exaggerating either. ask your Scottish friends, this is a known fact.
I am sorry if you suffer from the genetic failing that seems endemic to the Scottish nation, an inbuilt hatred of the English. if historically you ever had reason to it is certainly not now.
To be honest we are sick of it, the fact that you deny it is even more sickening, that is another quaint little trait you lot have got.
I have had lots of Scottish friends, i grew up in Rugeley in Staffordshire where there are lots, but i chose them carefully.
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And i hate football!
Get a life.
CarlSagan, in your efforts to be "cool" you have merely become dull. There is no spark.
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Very good dustypuss.
You wouldnt get me supporting England in Football <:-)
Go weeal Go weeal ={:)
CarlSagan - I don't deny it wan wee bit - If England were playing Mars I would have My Martian tammie on.
tee hee ^
enough i think hes got the answer im of to catch my haggis
CarlSagan, you correctly identify widespread distrust, if not dislike of the English among Scots - and it was the English who taught them it. Shortly after coming to Britain, one of the things that someone I know told me he came to realise (after twigging that there is more to Britain than England) was that the English looked (and frequently still do as your posting demonstrates) down on the Scots....and the Welsh....and most of all the Irish. The thing is that Middle Easterners and others also express deep mistrust of the English (when they actually mean the British, although at that point no doubt Scots quickly point out they are not English). This is yet another very good reason for Scotland claiming independence because, once that is achieved, the two can get on with being good neighbours rather than carping at each other while 'sharing house'. Mind you, Britain is currently ruled by Scots so perhaps there might end up being two Scots governments in Britain, only the one in Edinburgh would at a stroke be shot of all the negative connotations of London and England - something Obama would envy while trying to undo Bush's legacy worldwide (dislike of anything connected to the US has never been so strong or so widespread).

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