Is it bad form to wear a black shirt at a wedding? The whole suit is black except for the tie which is vibrant blue which looks better against black than white.
Can you imagine the wedding photos? You'd stick out like a sore thumb in your black shirt- the bride will never forgive you for overshadowing her on her big day.
Get some sense of occasion, it is not your day so don't try to hijack it. Dress as you would like your guests to be dressed if it was your big day.
Or there again you could be remembered as the pr1ck in the black shirt.
I wouldn't. Certain etiquette should be observed sometimes. I once saw a woman at a funeral where all were in black or mourning and there she was in a shocking dayglo orange.
Your black suit sounds fine, notafish, as does the vibrant blue tie, but I would suggest a vibrant blue shirt which would match the tie and go well with the black suit. Well, that's what I'd wear, but it's up 2 U.
Thanks to some of you for your kind answers.
My question was about what my young son should wear. I personally will be wearing a dress. I do feel offended at the insult directed at my young boy. But thanks again to the carefully considered replies.