4get's thread prompted me to ask the question, because, let's face it, you are what you wear!
I'll start: As I said in 4get's thread, I'm wearing a lovely faded grey XL men't t shirt, black leggings, one grey and one black sock, and an oversize men's robe over it.
A faded wine coloured long sleeved top -with russian or polish writing on it with a no.8 -a pair of black leggings and my black knee length 'biker' boots with buckles.
hi all im wearing my old grey v neck t shirt,
very old levis, so old i had to sew up a hole which had appeared in the buttock area, yesterdays socks.
just having a nice day pottering around the house with the wee one, shes asleep but has her denims, tshirt and wee zip jacket on. which had been placed in washing as she'd slobbered her lunch all down it!!
China, that's my evening look! I only wear this now because I'm exhausted after spending the night volunteering in a homeless hostel, saving small children from drowning, finding a cure for AIDS in my private lab and generally making the world a better place.
Look, last night I freed two wales, got a couple of pandas to mate, found the cure for a common cold and solved the north/south divide. And I did it all in stilettos. There's just no excuse to lower your standards maximo.