I on the 15th of September purchased a 'authentic' juicy couture bag on ebay...It was marked as 'dispatched' on the 19th of September and since then the bag has still not arrived. The bag cost a lot and I do not know what rights I have and how I can go about getting my bag! The guy has 35 feedbacks, all are positive. I have since the 15th bought 6 other items (one just last week) from the USA and all have arrived. I have contacted the guy about this and he has told me he will ship another bag out to me (today) and if the other bag arrives I just refuse it so that it gets sent back to him free of charge...Have I been bumped? :( x
Just because one piece of mail arrives it doesn't mean another will. The postal system is all too fallible. I'd give the second one a decent time to arrive before taking feedback revenge.
Probably not, the guy sounds to be being reasonable and things do get lost / delayed in the post. See if he's good to his word and if not then you can always contact him again or if you paid via paypal go through their system and reclaim your money.
good answer nox...i bought a watch from the u.s.a last year it arrived as described,on time and it was great kept brilliant time.....and then the hands fell off....only joking lol...it still works and id give the seller time to get it right....
Contact your local sorting office. I bought an item a couple of weeks ago and it didn't arrive, turned out it was sitting in the sorting office waiting for me to collect it but they hadn't put a card through my door to tell me!