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odd gifts

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cazzz1975 | 14:42 Sat 26th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
im sure some of you have been looking at some gift ideas online, I have come across a very odd gift, i was actually looking at special needs toys and this gift was listed amongst other toys and games. User Recommendation

have you found any strange gifts?


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Just what I always wanted! :-)
I hope I don't get either of you two in the AB Secret Santa!
snags(h), with a koala.. how... apt!
Snags - where did you get the Narwhal set? My daughter would actually love that (she's a bit 'odd')
How often would narwhals encounter Koalas in the wild!
karen... I first saw it on this site... they have some mad stuff but don't ship outside of the US :-/
Damn - apparently it's been discontinued :( Thanks though x
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I love all those gifts marval!
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wow they are awesome, I would seriously love them as a gift
They are different Craft
I've just got back from town where I saw a 'paint your own garden gnome kit'. Ed would like that.
How absolutely strange that jigsaw is cazzz !
HA HA HA Em - my Hubby bought me that inflatable zimmer last Christmas! Was funny for about 2 mins then got stuffed into a large carrier bag, won't fold up flat again once its been inflated, and been lurking in my spare room ever since - waiting for a charity bag to come round which takes bric-a-brac - poor unsuspecting charity!
Real crazy gifts on here ....
Just love this one - ideal for "man flu!"

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