How it Works0 min ago
I want a Fatboy!
509 Answers
Does anyone have a Fatboy Original ? If so, would you perform a small experiment for me please! Is it possible to mould Fatboy into a 90 degree angle lengthwise, i.e. the way you would "fold" it if you were to place it as temporary padding on a wooden settee? Thanks!
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY jno ,sounds like you are having a wonderful time here Down Under. Have a drink for me (I can no longer partake due to my medications!!!) Weather great at the moment and It sounds as if it is improving back there .Woofy please don't tell us about your exotic meals if you're not sharing ! Time for a little bit of gardening .Bye for now xxx
A'noon giddy biddies ( I'm a bit dizzy today), hope you're well...Just popped in with me lunch, and yes, there's chs involved. Lovely day here so I'll be having some gentle occupational therapy dans le jardin shortly ...better take a cushion out with me just in case I need to sit down on the bench to admire my handiwork...<ahem>
Enjoyed Candlewick last night, but was the Ladies Detective Agency any good? Ten mins into it I nodded off!
Enjoyed Candlewick last night, but was the Ladies Detective Agency any good? Ten mins into it I nodded off!
I enjoyed the Ladies Robinia .Having read the books it brought her to life .
Did you see the pilot which sort of laid the path for the series ?
.Mind you it's only six episodes of an hour and they seem to be cramming too much in .I could happily have watched a couple of hours. They haven't fleshed her out yet .The fact that she was a victim of a violent husband and lost her baby etc ...and that Mma Makutsi's brother has Aids Perhaps they'll give a bit more background as it progresses
New Lark Rise next year !
Did you see the pilot which sort of laid the path for the series ?
.Mind you it's only six episodes of an hour and they seem to be cramming too much in .I could happily have watched a couple of hours. They haven't fleshed her out yet .The fact that she was a victim of a violent husband and lost her baby etc ...and that Mma Makutsi's brother has Aids Perhaps they'll give a bit more background as it progresses
New Lark Rise next year !
I assume it's a shady area neti? Even if you've got dynamite in your cupboard ...<and it wouldn't surprise me>... you won't get rid of moss for long. Just let it grow, it's...erm....character....can't think of the word I really want.
No shaney I didn't see the pilot but I can watch last night's ep on BBCIplayer...shame I just spent 10 mins searching for it on the ITVplayer....haha, think I've had too much sun!
No shaney I didn't see the pilot but I can watch last night's ep on BBCIplayer...shame I just spent 10 mins searching for it on the ITVplayer....haha, think I've had too much sun!
Now why was Netis moss thing not there earlier .
Or I am losing the plot .Probably the plot .I haven't got much else left to lose .
And now ...bloomin' typical, they have got Lewis on at the same time as The Ladies this Sunday .
I'm bouncing around here ....I think I took my thyroid tablets twice this morning by mistake .
I won't sleep you know .....I'll be mithering all night now about things that are really not worth mithering about and looking them up on Wikipedia ....
I've just looked up the author of a book I am reading ....Anne Perry ...and found out that she was a murderess in real life !
Or I am losing the plot .Probably the plot .I haven't got much else left to lose .
And now ...bloomin' typical, they have got Lewis on at the same time as The Ladies this Sunday .
I'm bouncing around here ....I think I took my thyroid tablets twice this morning by mistake .
I won't sleep you know .....I'll be mithering all night now about things that are really not worth mithering about and looking them up on Wikipedia ....
I've just looked up the author of a book I am reading ....Anne Perry ...and found out that she was a murderess in real life !
salt or washing soda will burn the moss but it will come back because it likes to be there (damp shady poorly drained sour area.....sounds like me on a bad day lol) One of my earliest memories is of walking barefoot on my Nan's garden it was tiny, about the size of my current living room and totally carpeted with moss apart from narrow flowerbeds down each side that had roses and spring bulbs in. The moss was just so cool and soft....
Posh hose update, hose is lovely rerally soft and flexible, no kinks or curly bits, the expensive reel (20quid) that is su[posed to hold 60 metres of hose gets full at about 40m of my 50 m hose so back that is going on thursday, I love a ding dong, don't you (memo for Kit in case you haven't come across this particular piece of vernacular before, ir doesn't mean bell ringing or anything naughty, just an argument)
Posh hose update, hose is lovely rerally soft and flexible, no kinks or curly bits, the expensive reel (20quid) that is su[posed to hold 60 metres of hose gets full at about 40m of my 50 m hose so back that is going on thursday, I love a ding dong, don't you (memo for Kit in case you haven't come across this particular piece of vernacular before, ir doesn't mean bell ringing or anything naughty, just an argument)
Terror strikes the Spanish slug community
A' warm sunshine today, back to cold & cloudy. Yesterday was a tonic. :o(
You sound like me shaney, I've got bits of paper all over the house with scribblings about things/people/places I need to google & I can never remember why until I find them. I love my computer!
(my friends live in it, hehe)
Oh a good ding dong, now lemme think,when did I last have one?....hmmmm....actually when I've got to confront someone I never raise my voice (or wield weapons!) but I must be very scary 'cos they very rarely answer back, haha.
A' warm sunshine today, back to cold & cloudy. Yesterday was a tonic. :o(
You sound like me shaney, I've got bits of paper all over the house with scribblings about things/people/places I need to google & I can never remember why until I find them. I love my computer!
(my friends live in it, hehe)
Oh a good ding dong, now lemme think,when did I last have one?....hmmmm....actually when I've got to confront someone I never raise my voice (or wield weapons!) but I must be very scary 'cos they very rarely answer back, haha.
Well..that was a flash in the pan yesterday .Bloomin' freezing here today and dull as ditchwater .
Did you have a good Ding Dong Woofy .. said in best Leslie Phillips voice .
I never raise my voice either ...I just don't let 'em get a word in edgeways ....:)
I ding donged Morrisons recently ..I am certainly not paying for half cooked bread with a great hole right through it .They must have just showed it the oven in passing .
I never used to complain but I have reached a certain age ....
Did you have a good Ding Dong Woofy .. said in best Leslie Phillips voice .
I never raise my voice either ...I just don't let 'em get a word in edgeways ....:)
I ding donged Morrisons recently ..I am certainly not paying for half cooked bread with a great hole right through it .They must have just showed it the oven in passing .
I never used to complain but I have reached a certain age ....
...neti I don't only worry about precious things but silly things that almost always never fact some things that bother me just couldn't happen. That's when I get the 'don't be silly mother' from my sons. (They call me mother to stress the point, not cuz we iz posh).
I loved the ballet video btw, it's amazing!
I've always been a complainer about consumer goods...if it doesn't do what it says on the tin I tell 'em! When it's face to face you often get the pursed lip routine, but most companies I've written to have been lovely & sent refunds, vouchers & grovelling apologies.
I loved the ballet video btw, it's amazing!
I've always been a complainer about consumer goods...if it doesn't do what it says on the tin I tell 'em! When it's face to face you often get the pursed lip routine, but most companies I've written to have been lovely & sent refunds, vouchers & grovelling apologies.
I bet I worry more than anybiddy!! I worry which side of the bed I'm going to get out of!! Been like it all my life.
Been to Tai Chi this morning then for lunch at my local haunt where they do a brilliant carvery. Had Turkey and all the trimmings. Was going to a quiz tonight but my friend has decided she didn't want to go so we're going for a rock on Friday. Hurray!!
It has been a dull day today here after they said it was going to be sunny. Never mind maybe tomorrow the sun will shine and I can get my washing dry.
Have a good night All see yer later 'gater(s)
Been to Tai Chi this morning then for lunch at my local haunt where they do a brilliant carvery. Had Turkey and all the trimmings. Was going to a quiz tonight but my friend has decided she didn't want to go so we're going for a rock on Friday. Hurray!!
It has been a dull day today here after they said it was going to be sunny. Never mind maybe tomorrow the sun will shine and I can get my washing dry.
Have a good night All see yer later 'gater(s)
Totally different here, complain and they complain back! Once I bought a pair of shoes and the sole came completely away from the uppers so I took it back and they said nothing wrong as only one shoe was broken, so I went outside and tore the other one, and yes then they gave me a new pair. I used to steer away from confrontation but after having my daughter I was completely different, no one messes with the Neti!! Yes I worry about not having anything to worry about, and if one day I think the day is perfect and am completely happy, I quickly come off cloud 9 cos I think it's tempting fate. Wallies or what!!