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Ideas for gift for 5 year old girl

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nku | 09:04 Tue 20th Oct 2009 | Shopping & Style
5 Answers
I've managed to find a bike on a good offer for my son, but am trying to find something that will seem as good for my 5 year old girl. It doesn't have to cost same (bike was £20).

Thanks in advance
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Is she into Puppy in my Pocket? They do the playhouses which are reasonable sized presents. Or if you want something outside, maybe a scooter or go cart?
A scooter?
Oopsie, sorry Gaz's girl, didnt see you say the same thing.
No probs, B00. Great minds think alike! :)
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Yes she does like Puppy in my Pocket. I'll have a look into it. A scooter sounds like a fab idea as well.


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