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Does anybody watch TV in bed?

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merciasounds | 12:34 Fri 13th May 2011 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
I don't mean lying on the sofa, cosy in your slanket watching TV, or I'll-just-bring-in-the-portable-for-you-while
-ill - I mean go to bed to watch TV


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I have only got 1 TV and that is in the living room !
I do other things in the Bedroom ! -))

Why ?
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The few times I do I always fall asleep before I want to.
I live in a bedsit so I can see the TV from everywhere!
I do currently, I don't plan on doing it much in the near future unless there are conflicting tv progs on. I don't really like watching tv in the bedroom adn prefer to read there.
No, I was once bought a TV for the bedroom but 5 years down the line I'd never switched it on (I eventually put it in the kitchen). I now take my kindle to bed.
A kindle and a Rabbit in Bed craft ! the mind boggles ! :-))
It turns the pages red :-)
I have a tv in the bedroom and go to bed every night and watch it. Mr. Den and son watch large tv in the lounge, which I think is too big. Plus magically only two channels get watched on it, Sky Sports and the Sci Fi Channel.....zzzzzzzzzzz
Yup sometimes. Either if the other telly is being used or I just fancy it tbh!
LOL LOL craft !
yeah, but I mostly use it for listening to radio 6 or watching dvds
I have to say yes but I don't really watch it as I read at the same time. I put on the endless repeats of Road Wars on what used to be Sky3. It's more for company than anything else although I have caught some quite interesting progs on after midnight on Yesterday.
aint room under my stone
I don't like watching tv in bed but my wife does and therein lies a problem when all you want to do is get off to sleep, so beware!
Always. I like to watch the late-night comedy on BBC3, and then breakfast TV stops me falling asleep again in the morning.

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Does anybody watch TV in bed?

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