would this kind of mirror look good with a frame round it? we have a square one that is damaged on one of the corners. it was expensive and we dont want to throw it away. im not so sure but hubby thinks yes. i think imo that if there is a border/frame then it will make the proportions look funny, surely the bevelled bits are in proportion to the full square in the middle? nb it is a laura ashley mirror gastsby, not sure if still on their website. Or any other ideas how we can use it without framing it?
Had have bevelled mirrors made to order - not as expensive as you think. If you have no sentimental attachment to miiror - remember how many bad years luck are coming your way - and spec a new one.
An image would be good, if you want an opinion - is it an antique?
Without seeing the mirror cannot really say, but I have 2 bevelled mirrors within frames and must admit they look good. Matched with a good frame I would go for it.
The width of the bevel is such that entirely enclosing it within a frame would be far too heavy a look. Half of the width would give better proportionality.
if the damage does not go too far into the mirror surface a thin lead effect border would work and would look even better if you had all the seam lines covered with narrow lead strip would give it a gothic feel
There's no problem in putting this mirror in a frame since the bevel is so wide. Try a local independent picture framer. They'll be able to give you an idea from samples what the finished frame would look like