large sheets or patterned paper in The AnswerBank: Shopping & Style
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large sheets or patterned paper

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neddyw | 17:52 Sat 26th Nov 2011 | Shopping & Style
7 Answers
DDoes any one know if you can get large sheets of patterned paper suitable for folding into a box? The largest I have found is 12x12 inches.
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Can you be a bit more explicit? Do you mean paper? or card? as you can get paper on a large roll (like party paper). Or do you mean you want to make a box (like out of card)?
Have you tried the shop Paperchase?
If you mean you want to cover (say) a shoe box with pretty paper, buy it on a roll. They sell it for wrapping big birthday presents. You can buy it from any Card shop or supermarket, (like Tesco's or Asda).
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Im making boxes to put chocolates in for Xmas. I've got some thick paper from a shop that sells stuff for making cards but the largest size they stock is 12x12 inches. It needs to be strong enough to support itself but thin enough to fold neatly. Because I've enjoyed making these I want to make other boxes to sell at the school fair. Not sure about wallpaper. It's tough but not sure if it would be stiff enough??
I'm not sure which part of the country you are in, but Paperchase stock everything to do with paper/card. (Manchester) Also, very helpful are Fred Aldous. Use google to search nearby to you. Good luck.
Failing that, I remember seeing (although I didn't pay much attention, because I didn't want to buy them) you can buy ready cut flat boxes for cupcakes at Morrisons which you assemble yourself (not sure but maybe also at Asda). These may do, but may be more expensive than making your own. Also, I don't know what size they are, you would have to take a look. On the home baking aisle.
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Many thanks

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large sheets or patterned paper

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