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Does anyone look at this site?

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B00 | 16:34 Sat 11th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I discovered this the other week, and have quickly become very addicted it!


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Got round to requesting an invite yesterday headwreak, waiting for the OK, hope I get it.

It's a fabulous site, the only problem is ,you spend that long looking at it, you never round to actually making anything from it, lol.
Looks interesting BOO, I've saved it in my 'Favourites' box & will have a closer look later. ThanQ

fulltime job keeping up with that, by the look of it - where would you find time for WOW?
Am I being dim? I don't understand what you do with the site, and what people get out of it.
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I love looking at all the craft ideas boxy- some of them are ingenious. I don't play WoW anymore jno.
never heard of it but I can see the appeal (adds to favourites..)
shuffle up boxy and i'll share my baklava cos i dont get it either....
Did someone say baklava?! Mmmmmmm.... :c)
you can only have some if you are dim china ;)
<<< Doesn't think dim will be a problem sadly.
Its a little too random for me I think. Unless I've missed something?

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Does anyone look at this site?

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