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Eggs to rise

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TheOtherHalf | 08:46 Mon 12th Mar 2012 | Shopping & Style
94 Answers
An egg shortage coming, so they are saying on the news this morning. The prices will go up of course. Can we manage without them ? How much do you pay for yours ?

I get my free range from a local farm shop 90p for 6. They are beautiful. Had one for breakfast this morning. I dont eat a lot, but eggs are in so many things, so we probably cant mange without them.


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Think its time I left for work :>) see you in about an hour

anyone who cares about the welfare of any animal before it (or its by product) arrives on our plate, are not "animal rights busybodies" and to suggest they are is pretty repugnant to read to be blunt.
They're commodities, deal with it.
They're animals and have a right to a decent life.
wow, just wow!!
How can anyone be so hypocritical? These animals whether they are cows, sheep, pigs, or chickens are bred to be slaughtered and sold in order to feed us.
There's no leeway for fluffy bunnikins ideology
Yes, and for that reason alone they should be afforded a decent life.
dont think anyone disagrees there paul, however I do expect, and I pay accordingly, that any animal that ends up on my family's plate has a quality of life beforehand.
When I was a child we had 500 hens roaming free and my sister and I used to collect the eggs in buckets to be sold locally. Those were the days!! Oh and by the way, DON'T put eggs in the fridge.
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how is it hypocrytical to want an animal to have a decent q of life? just because you are eating something or its by product doens;t mean it has to life in pain or squalor
Considering the pure food value of eggs-and how cheap they are in comparison to other things like meat,I'd have absolutely no problem paying that bit extra for them. Particularly if I knew they had a good quality of life...surely a contented chicken will produce better eggs?
Maybe Paul works for Tesco's...there has to be some explanation for his miserable attitude.
probably got sore feet
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Im back, and things have been getting pretty eggciting on her. How can such a simple question cause such a debate ?

I dont mind how much I pay for eggs either as long as they are from well reared chickens. As pastafreak says, contended chickens maust produce better eggs. Our local farm, where I get mine from, are roaming about quite freely and its lovely to see.
"pretty eggciting on her."

Don't think you should be divulging what you get up to in the privacy of your own home ;-)
I've got sore feet....and I'm not crabby...(am I?)
Anthropomorphizing, These animals are not sentient, they react to external stimulation, there is nothing going on in their tiny minds, no reasoning no thoughts, no feelings of hardship or anguish. They don't even know they're a chicken.
If you want to be on a moral high horse and pay more for food then so be it. But It's not good business sense.
so a chicken can;t feel pain?
Yes, they can feel pain...and panic. I worked in a chicken factory....

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