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The scariest movie ever made...

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sp1814 | 01:17 Fri 05th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
64 Answers
So, I'm out with some friends tonight, and the subject turned to scary films. I maintain that 'scary' should be a film that scared you when you first saw it, and still scares you now.

I would include in this list, 'The Omen', 'Rosemary's Baby', 'Alien', 'Saw', 'The Grudge', 'Quarantine' and 'The Ring'.

A friend added 'The Blair Witch Project', which we all decided shouldn't be included, as it was more 'irritating' than 'scary'.

The general consensus was that 'The Exorcist' is the scariest movie ever made (my suggestion of 'Paranormal Activity' was shouted down).

So what IS the scariest film ever made?

The rule is - it should still scare you as an adult, as much as it did when you first saw it.


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the original japanese 'grudge' films chill me to the bone - when the apparitions appear
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Agreed Birdie!
The film of Stephens Kings, IT.
I cant watch these films I would never sleep at night if I did.
i have rarely watched scary films, i did see psycho many years ago, it was horrible. I find life scary let alone watch films that will keep me awake at night.
The Ring and The Grudge, both Japanese and American versions. I've never sat through either of them the whole way without covering my eyes, and I own them all! Actually, pretty much any Japanese horror could be nominated.

Bridget Jone's Diary also scared me. But probably not in the way you meant.
Cape Fear with de Niro - not scary scary but heart pounding.
Also one I went to see by accident years ago called My Bloody Valentine. The last scene gave me the frights for a very long time.
The Grudge for me is the scariest film ever and I literally did not sleep well for weeks after as a result and I am a horror movie addict
Saw is not scary at all lol
Nor was the Blair Witch Project, Alien, The Ring or The Omen
Many are still scared over the Exorcist; it's really rather tame
Carrie, the very end still makes me jump even though I know full well what is about to happen.
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I have the same problem with hat scene in Jaws when the decomposed head pops out of the bottom of the boat.

I've seen it many times, I know it's coming, I'm prepared for it - but it makes no difference.
The scariest film I ever saw was called 'When a Stranger Calls'. It's quite old - no blood or gore - just tension - but, boy! It scared the hell out of me - and I've never forgotten it.
The rule is - it should still scare you as an adult

In that case, there is no scary movies.
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Yeah - them's the rules.

I remember a film called 'Asylum' in which Pete Cushing played a manager of a mental institution showing a new doctor. The film was made up of four individual stories and I saw it when I was about 11 years old (my Saturday night 'treat' was to be allowed to watch the Hammer Horror films that the BBC used to broadcast.

Had nightmares for about a week after that.

However, I saw it a few years ago - and as an adult, I can tell it is pretty much cack - with ludicrous special effects.
Not officially known as a horror movie: the Sci-Fi movie Predator scared the pants off me. Even on the second viewing when I know about the alien it still made me jangle. Brilliant scary stuff.
SP, I've watched 'When a Stranger Calls' again fairly recently - and although it's dated, it still gives me the creeps! And that's without ghosts, ghoulies and gore! :o)
I can't remember what it was called but years ago I saw a film about a coffee (or maybe chocolate rep) who stumbled across a body farm, it was more disturbing than scary as the human heads in the beds had animal bodies when the sheets were pulled back. I've never forgotten it - urgh!
the exorcist comes to mind great film in its day and still is

<that's all I can bring myself to type>
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