The second item on the page of that link shows a price range of £19.99-£44.17
yet when going to that item the cheapest is £22.80, so why the misleading price range on the initial page?
Amazon's internal search engine is imperfect. (It stays up to date with regard to items sold directly by Amazon but only updates periodically with regard to items sold by other traders on the Amazon website).
Clicking on the 4th link also takes you to a £22.80 price but then clicking through to other 'New' prices takes you here: User Recommendation
Sorry, typed and posted my reply as the 3 new posts cam in.
Thanks for your help Chris.
Often confused how Amazon works. Bought a helmet camera off there a few months back, colleague ask me about it when he saw it, had a look that night the cheapest version of it was £20 more expensive than I'd paid!
For attaching to my helmet when I go out cycling, just in case! I've had a couple of close SMIDSY's(Sorry Mate I Didn't See You) and verbal abuse for nothing other than cycling along peacefully so now I film every time I go out on my bike.
It certainly does baza. I always stick to the Highway Code and ride responsibly. My video is 2 minutes long just to show that I do stop at lights and don't RLJ(Red Light Jump) as some do.
If you stop the footage at just the right moment you can see my reflection in the wing of the car. I'm 6 feet tall on a red and white bike, predominantly white top, multi coloured helmet with a flashing white light under the handlebar stem.
I must confess when I saw the drop handle bars at the start I thought , LYCRA MAN ,but saw that I was wrong, we get a lot of road racers around here and some have a complete disregard to pedestrians , motorists and even other riders.
trt , sorry if you think asking a question deserves soooo many exclaimation marks, perhaps you just found it on your keyboard, the post referred to a helmet camera, I enquired as to its use, t he op explained fully , together with information to enable me to understand. It would appear that I am not as clever or sarcastic as you but hey ho given time.
When I used to ride to and from work some of things that happen beggar belief.
One of my particular favourites being a car pulling alongside me and flashing a guy coming in the opposite direction to turn....and the guy did! Unbelievable - 2 idiots in one incident.