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personal shopper

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Thumbelina1 | 12:54 Sun 03rd Jul 2005 | Shopping & Style
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have you ever used a personal shopper for fashion? If so why?


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I was fortunate to receive a personal shopping experience gift for Xmas one year (one of those Red Letter Day things).  I was a bit sceptical as to what a personal shopper would do, but I really enjoyed the experience.  They have excellent knowledge of all the store’s stock so if you were after something in particular, they would be able to tell you if they’d got it or something similar, rather than you having to traipse around the whole department store looking for it.  On top of that you get your own personal dressing room, you can try on as much as you want, in your own time, someone to run around the store if you need something else/another size and they also give you their honest opinion as to whether something suits you.   Well worth it!

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