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French Vegetables

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Caran | 19:52 Tue 17th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Supermarkets in France have great displays of vegetables. Having been to France nearly every year for 15 years we have never seen a carrot, a pea, caulie,broccoli or any other veg in a restaurant. All you are offered is chips, rice OR green beans. Who eats all the French veg?
When they come over here and eat out they must be amazed at the choice of veg.


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Caran, that is SO true, isn't it.
How odd. When you eat out in southern Spain, they always seem to offer you a brouhaha of tomatoes, potatoes, the odd onion, a sort of stew-veg. It's very nice but it's very predictable!
True. Britain has cabbage. :-)
Do French eat veg, to be amazed by it?
salla, and sprouts :-)
Try the wonderful Histoire Ancienne in Calais. It's very reasonably priced and you'll find 'et légumes du jour' on the end of many menu listings:
Yep, the ubiquitous sprout.
Is that the right word?
Cabbage? I love cabbage.
I can also recommend choosing the plat du jour here. The last time I was there the veg included artichoke hearts:
no, salla, simmered is
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Chris those two restaurants look really good, I will make a note of them for next time.
JJ I love cabbage too!
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Chris what are vagabondages at the second place. Under Hors de Nos Murs?
98 sleeps to Christmas, I'd better get them sprouts on the boil :-)
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Your a bit late aren't you boxtops?
Your a bit late with getting your sprouts on, boxy !
slacker boxy!

I pity nibs his horribly crisp bubble and squeak on boxing day
LOL - thankfully, I jest! One thing we don't do is B&S on Boxing Day!
Bubble and squeak?


Just gross.
Tasty, though, JJ :-)
>>>what are vagabondages at the second place

Don't ask me. I did Spanish at school!

(Google translates it as 'wanderings')

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