Quizzes & Puzzles3 mins ago
Snorkeling Kits.
18 Answers
Can anyone recommend a snorkel & mask kit around the £60-00 mark. My daughter & hubby are off to Egypt in Jan & they want them for Xmas.
https:// i. chzbgr. com/ maxW500/ 4210828800/ hB2CA097E/
12:34 Fri 06th Dec 2013
We use Cressi, they are very good and not quite that much. As a seasoned snorkeller I wouldn't advise the cheap ones that are available in resorts if they are going to be worn for a while and quality is important (which out there it would be). The cheap ones are often uncomfortable and steam up quickly due to poor fitting and adjustment options.
Some important things to remember:
1. Buy a mask that has the words "tempered glass" on it. If it is not tempered glass, it WILL shatter.
2. Buy a mask with the smallest area of glass you can.
3. The way to tell if a mask fits is to hold all hair off your face with one hand and then hold the mask to the face with the other. Breathe in through the nose. If the mask stays put, it is a good fit. If it falls off the face it is a bad fit and will leak.
4. When buying a snorkel buy a simple, cheap J tube. DO NOT buy one with anything covering the top of the snorkel and don't waste your money on fancy snorkels with drain valves.
1. Buy a mask that has the words "tempered glass" on it. If it is not tempered glass, it WILL shatter.
2. Buy a mask with the smallest area of glass you can.
3. The way to tell if a mask fits is to hold all hair off your face with one hand and then hold the mask to the face with the other. Breathe in through the nose. If the mask stays put, it is a good fit. If it falls off the face it is a bad fit and will leak.
4. When buying a snorkel buy a simple, cheap J tube. DO NOT buy one with anything covering the top of the snorkel and don't waste your money on fancy snorkels with drain valves.
Would slightly disagree with you Mrs O (brave, I know) on the snorkel not having anything on the top. An open topped snorkel can get weed or paper trapped across the top whereas with this type (Technisub) the vent is vertical with louvres, preventing that:
https:/ /www.go ogle.co .uk/sea rch?q=t echnisu b+snork el& rlz=1C1 GGGE_en GB474GB 474& ;espv=2 10& es_sm=9 3&s ource=l nms& ;tbm=is ch& sa=X&am p;ei=xO yhUuihN cnxhQfv kYHADw& amp;ved =0CAkQ_ AUoAQ#f acrc=_& amp;img dii=_&a mp;imgr c=Em3AE 8gjA5YY yM%3A%3 ByZw3_D L3-1I2x M%3Bhtt p%253A% 252F%25 2Fcdn2. sulitst atic.co m%252Fi mages%2 52F2013 %252F02 23%252F 1040226 26_2327 5499223 2108249 9a0f360 42b4d81 b726e0c 64bccdc d086a79 79e2f.j pg%3Bht tp%253A %252F%2 52Fwww. sulit.c om.ph%2 52Finde x.php%2 52Fview %252Bcl assifie ds%252F id%252F 8236937 %252FTe chnisub %252BAI R%252BD RY%252B Snorkel %3B800% 3B600
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