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Shoplifting In Pets R Us.

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mikey4444 | 16:59 Tue 19th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
I have just seen a woman marched in handcuffs, into a Police Car, outside a branch of one of these out-of-town pets superstores. According to the staff she had been shoplifting. I was wondering if this lady was so poor that she couldn't afford to feed her pets ? As an animal lover, and especially a dog lover, I would starve myself rather than let me Yorkshire Wolfhound go hungry !

When I was a teenager, I worked after school and on a Saturday morning in my local small Co-op, and one of my jobs was looking out for shoplifters. We used to catch quite a few and and most of them had a tin of salmon stuffed down their drawers, not baked beans of cat food. How things have changed !


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Was she shoplifting live animals, perhaps? You could get quite a few guinea-pigs down your jogging-bottoms.
Some animal food is very expensive, maybe she has people who 'order' from her and then she steals what they want. It does happen.
My 2 cats have food that costs £17.00 per bag as well as 2 boxes of wet food at the cost of another £10 per week.
Some people steal just for the hell of it.

I saw a Yorkshire Wolfhound sauntering down the street yesterday. It was wearing a red top with diamante patterns - I hope it was a girl. It had previously been barking its head off - how can so much noise come from a small animal?

It certainly had attitude and it was probably smaller than either of my moggies.

By the way, what is a Yorkshire Wolfhound? I've never heard of that breed.
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Attitude is what Yorkshire Wolfhounds have in abundance. Mine is quite affectionate and likes a cuddle, although if I was ever burgled while I was out, I would probably come home to a very dead and very nibbled burglar.
The upside is that I probably would need to feed him for a few days.
Pets R Us sell much more than pet food......

Daffy - its a killer Yorkshire Terrier
So Mikey used to poke into ladies' drawers to detect fish!

Perhaps better not expand on that.
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Daffy...see this ::::

Mine is unaware that he is in effect a Y. Terrier, and not a Y. Wolfhound, and I haven't had the heart to tell him.

Someone said once that she didn't know that there any wolves in Yorkshire and I pointed at my little Willy (his name, I hasten to add) and said "is it any wonder ? "
Aha, a Yorkie. I've been bitten by dogs 3 times in my life, two of them were by Yorkies, vicious little beasties! :)
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Wouldn't, not would...flipping typos !
I think that Jack Russells and Yorkies are both pretty tenacious little monsters.

I hope that you don't tie his hair in bunches Mikey.
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Actually he is off for a shampoo and set tomorrow morning, at 09:00. The groomer, a nice lady that does a good job but is somewhat "away with the fairies" most of time, always tries to persuade me to agree to a small blue bow, but he had one a few years ago and ate it, so I decline the offer.

Apparently they are now made of rice paper but I shall still say no as I don't want to cause him any undue difficulties over the Park with his mates. He has a reputation to live up, after all.
his name is willy ? LOL
Little Willy, anne !
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When I first had him, at age 9 weeks, he was small and hairy, so Little Willy seemed to fit somehow !

gingejbee is correct, you can fit many guinea-pigs down your trousers

trust me, i know
She didnt succeed in her mission due to being too cagey I expect....
A chap I worked with many years ago turned up to work with a full set of teeth marks round his nose. His jack russell was to blame - if she did that to the 'hand that fed her' God help anyone else
Who nose what lasting damage might have been done id that wee dog had had sharper teeth.
Is it usual for shoplifters to be taken from the scene of their crime in handcuffs?

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