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Wallpaper Batch Ends

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Ric.ror | 16:15 Mon 27th Oct 2014 | Interiors
17 Answers
I've just bought 7 rolls of wallpaper from Laura Ashley.
They all have different batch number but the lady in the shop told me it makes very little difference these days
Please say she is right
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I would not have bought them, but you might be lucky.

The lady in the shop is probably feeling happy she's got rid of the 'odds and ***'
lol filter thingy, rhymes with clods.
I once used two rolls of different batch numbers and it was fine.....but it was one wall that was going to be covered in pictures....

Seven rolls I wouldn't really risk...there has to be a reason for the batch numbers, but if you are going to use it do two drops from two different rolls......and spot the difference.......x
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Oh no
You've all got me worried now
I gave up on wallpaper some years ago. I bought a very expensive wallpaper and it proved an absolute nightmare to hang and I'm sure it gave me the start of carpal tunnel syndrome in my left wrist.

Now, all my walls are superbly plastered (not by me, I might add!) and painted. Life is so much easier.
Have a look at this Ric.ror.
Sorry I don't think that link will work. Will try again.
No expert but I'd suggest it is a risk you opt to take, or not. I don't think I'd want to, but until you try ...

Oh, just to keep you happy then, "she is right".
Here's hoping.
To avoid any risk of mis-matching can't you just take them back?
If you're stuck with them, try grouping rolls with same batch numbers along one wall, similarly on walls at right angles. The light often makes wallpaper look different as it hits the wall at different angles. We did this and it worked admirably. Of course depends if you've enough of the same batch to allow for this.
Oops - should have read the post properly! I see you have lots of different numbers. Apologies.
Or sort them in order first. lightest to darkest. Start with the lightest near the window and work your way both directions around the room to that dark dismal corner at the far end ;-)

(Sorry couldn't resist. Probably be ok, I hope.)
It sounds to me like the lady in the shop didn't have any idea what she was talking about. The idea of batch numbers are that the rolls with the same number will all match. If as she told you it makes little difference these days then they wouldn't bother putting them on.
I would just return them, not worth taking the risk, unless you got them a heavily discounted price and you are prepared to take the chance of having mismatched colours.
same batch numbers mean that they were all printed at the same time with the same paint.
the next batch are meant to be the same, but the paint mix may be slightly different. eg. lighter or darker.
I wouldn't take the chance. Return them and get your money back.

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