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Asda Home Delivery

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sherrardk | 20:55 Fri 27th Nov 2015 | Christmas
22 Answers
If anyone is interested, the Asda home delivery slots for Christmas as just out (they weren't there at lunch time).


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Tesco's were up yesterday, grabbed one sharpish.
But when are Harrod's, Fortnum's and Harvey Nic's delivering? My staff need to be ready ;-)
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Well, I can't get a Waitrose delivery (don't think they do them round here), I shall send himself to get the bits I've ordered (Harrods, Fortnum & Masons and Harvey Nics definitely don't deliver here).
Or here, sherr.
I can get Waitrose delivery but we have no stores local , weird.
Nearest Waitrose is about ten miles away from where I live, but like you Mamya they will deliver. However if we use Tesco we will get a discount c'us my daughter is an employee.
Nice one - you pick the best for your situation don't you?

I signed up for them all and when you've been away a while they offer you incentives to come back.
Good idea, Mamya. I might try that.
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I've gone delivery mad - I hate going to actual shops and even though I live in a city it's just kitchen ware shops & coffee bars.
Thank goodness not my problem, going to family for Christmas
Happy to help pay with non of the hassle
Tony, do you have that West Ham advert?
The hassle began a couple of weeks ago here, Daisy.

Don't blame you, sherr.
Will have a look for it, Daisy.
What is the advert about, Daisy ?.
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Hassle free here, all gifts (for kids) bought, posh food ordered and ordinary shopping all booked. Advent calendar bag of doom all ready for Tuesday.
Did not read it!
Lekker slaap
Wooooh, all sorted then sherr. Well done.
G'night, Daisy.
Those slaap's don't half sting you know ;-)
Lekker droom
I've no idea what that Afrikaan means, Daisy.

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