Ng Black Sleeves in The AnswerBank: Shopping & Style
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Ng Black Sleeves

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foxhaven | 18:46 Sat 27th Feb 2016 | Shopping & Style
15 Answers
Not sure what topic to ask this under - i was looking for a fashion one but there doe't seem to be one.
I keep seeing women waering long black sleeves under tops and dress but nothing showing at neckline so obviously not a t shirt. Does anyone know what these may be or what they might be called so that i can look for them thanks in advance.
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I saw them in the lingerie dept when I was in M&S. Like you, I thought, ahhh that's what people wear under their dresses! We have a huge store her and they had every possible colour, so worth checking yours or online.
The 'garments' shown in hc's link look uncomfortable.
I was thinking that Tilly. I think i would also keep pulling it up, you know like slipping bra straps!
Could it be a thermal vest?
You have to be very careful wearing black under black. There are many different hues of black. Get the wrong one and it looks awful!
Never seen those before, can't quite think what their purpose is.
they are forpeople who don't want to show the world their arm fat/scars etc
I don't quite get it either. Why not just wear a dress or top with sleeves if you don't want to show off fat upper arms?
I won't be buying any. I don't have fat arms. My fat is elsewhere.
Exactly cloverjo
How odd...I never knew these exsisted.
if you are a person who has arm fat, nd are worried bout showing it to people, you will also probbly be worried about the affect that 2 layers can have on your over-all look. I have enormous gazunkas and i wouldn't want to wer 2 lyers over thwm
I never knew they existed either. I have just been eddicated!

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