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jennyjoan | 15:07 Thu 10th May 2018 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I was nosying online re Charity Shops - my thinking I could go in their shop and have look at what they have.

I then found a horrible post written about the Manager of a certain charity shop. There was only the one review but I would be sure this Manager wouldn't have read it certainly.

I think this is awful that a person can write a scathing post and also mention the exact Charity Shop and the name of the manager. Awful


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It’s only awful if it’s not true.
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Zacs - whether true or not - with the manager not knowing - she wouldn't be able to defend herself.

I know this manager and a nicer lady you couldn't meet. To me the review was written by a person who perhaps had "run across her".
Hmm I posted on here and its vanished.....I asked why it should be worse than writing a scathing review of a non charity shop?
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Eh Woof - no idea what you are talking about.
If only you could post a link
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will not indeed post a link - like do you mean of the actual post - if I could I would remove the offending post.
I know what woof is getting at. Just because it's a charity shop does not exempt them from criticism. The manager will be a paid employee, not a volunteer.
There are many who prefer to complain about poor service after the fact rather than quietly sort it out in situ - things can often be resolved coolly and calmly that way.
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The manager is indeed a paid worker and the scathing post came from a voluntary worker's mother some time ago.

Bad spell of whether there ^^ Spath ;o)
But that's life on the www. Especially with the growth in review sites and things such as Twitter and FB. And it's only awful if it is untrue - as has been said.

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