Phone Number Needed For Amazon Uk in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Phone Number Needed For Amazon Uk

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countrykid | 14:14 Tue 08th Jan 2019 | Technology
5 Answers
I'm dealing with an item for return to Amazon and having gone through the returns procedure and hit a problem, I now need "a real person" at Amazon to speak to. There is a link that says "talk to a person" but clicking it just takes you back to the normal returns process with no way of speaking to anyone. Once upon a time Amazon gave a helpline number in it's Help section, but not any more. Hope someone on AB can come up with a phone number. Many thanks
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0800 279 7234
have you tried the chat service? I find it easier than a phonecall and you can have a record of what was said.
Rather than call them, I prefer to have them call me....it's usually immediately after you ask them (online), they return the call.
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Thank you for brilliant replies. Very much appreciated. It has enabled me to get the problem resolved. Thank you

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Phone Number Needed For Amazon Uk

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