Rapeseed Oil, Clover Margerine, Flora Buttery in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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Rapeseed Oil, Clover Margerine, Flora Buttery

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jack daniels | 14:58 Mon 11th Mar 2019 | Food & Drink
7 Answers
Hello ABers, I like toast made the old way of putting it under the grill and so forth. Then I like to butter it using one of the above margarines and then popping it under the grill again until it's sizzling. I have found that using Flora buttery gives it a 'fishy' smell after grilling the buttered side up. I did not find this to be the case when using Clover - the family love the taste, however the other day I used rapeseed oil to fry potatoes with and got the exact same fishy smell. I recently found this with Clover too. The only thing in common with these spreads is that they all contain rapeseed oil. AM I the only one who gets this 'fishy' smell?

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Sorry can't answer as I use only butter. Understand marge is not good for us.
I use rapeseed oil for frying and never noticed any smell.
I've never noticed a smell with rapeseed oil.
Like ladybirder, I only use butter. Wouldn't touch rapeseed with a barge pole.
The smell may be a reaction to high heat?...but it could be anything I suppose.
I use both sunflower and rapeseed oils for stir-frying (at very high temperatures) and have never had any strange odours...
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Butter has gone up by so much - I only use it occasionally. I use sunflower oil for everyday cooking and no smell from that - only rapeseed, it's also recommended for high heat. Must be in my head!! old age haha

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