A note of warning!
If you do not use your Nectar card for 12 months, Nectar start a cancellation process assuming that you do not want it anymore. The first stage is to remove ALL points from your account! Fortunately I noticed and a phone call to them allowed me to recover the deleted points. I do not know how long it takes before the account is completely wiped off.
Be warned.
I find it pretty poor on return, especially as you can longer redeem points against petrol. I believe there are only about 15 places you can spend them although they list more but at least 10 of those are different oxfam schemes.
A complete waste of time and energy. I worked for them for a short time. They reduced the points from 2 per £ to 1 per £ (a whole hapenny) and stopped giving points on certain alcoholic drinks
I don't know the details but there is going to be a change to the Nectar scheme. You will still get one point for one pound but there will be an app which gives you some sort of advantage on stuff you buy regularly. Sorry can't be more specific.
Thanks for the info. Do you know if this applies even if you are continuing to collect Nectar points ? I would have thought the card shows up as active if points are continually being added.