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Personal Alarm

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Scarlett | 14:50 Sat 29th Jan 2022 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
I’m looking to get some kind of alarm which you would wear on your wrist or around your neck for my elderly mum, and also for myself, should either of us fall over in the bath or something. Does anybody have any recommendations of something that you could simply press and it would reach the Emergency Services or a contact?


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Might be worth contacting the relevant elderly care dept at the local council, they may be able to make a recommendation based on local experience.
do you have a landline?
you have to pay pm for those alarms in the link
I am not aware of any personal care alarm that doesn't have an ongoing cost. The first year's fees may be included in the purchase price but after that you pay annually or monthly
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Thanks- yes ideally it wouldn’t be a pay monthly thing. I heard of a Doro phone that you can pair with a bracelet that rings your emergency contact when you press it but I didn’t really want to buy two new devices!
if you only want it to call 1 person and you both have braod band, you could both get an alexa and plug it in near your bathroom
no good if you fall in the living room tho
The safest solution is to invest in a paid service through the local council. The necklace type work either by pressing it or are activated automatically if the wearer falls over. First call is to a contact second call to emergency services.
Unless it's got GPS how do the emergency services know where to find you ?
The service will know which device is sending the signal and also the location to direct the emergency services to.
Also apple watches do fall protection and emergency services contact.

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