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Anglian Water Monopoly And Money Management

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CrapatCryptics2 | 11:13 Thu 11th Jul 2024 | Society & Culture
2 Answers

As an example of the problems with water companies Anglia Water, who appear to have a monopoly on East Anglia, charge every household 45% for sewage. When you pay your CEO £1.3m per year and probably other executives disproportionate recompense in light of their performance. When you count in £169m in share dividends its hardly surprising they cant afford to develop their infrastructure sufficiently to negate the need to dump excrement into our rivers and sea. They declared a profit of £6.5m which is a pretty poor return on their turnover.

Now they expect us to give them more money to top up their failings.



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That's private monopoly service for you. Worse than most as it's a vital service.

here is a discussion from the other day:


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Anglian Water Monopoly And Money Management

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