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Good Morning Wednesday Birds!

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Smowball | 08:24 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
5 Answers

Ahh,cats!! Nothing  like hearing a smash only to go into the bathroom & see that one of them has jumped up onto the windowsill above the toilet to try and catch a fly. Has missed & instead knocked a small glass /mirrored piece over, which fell straight down into the toilet & smashed into hundreds of pieces! Was one of the table centrepieces at our wedding reception & I kept it as I loved it. Thankfully the toilet remained intact!! Nothing like starting the day with a bang lol ; )

How are we all this morning then?



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good morning Smow - I am never up this early so you have are lovely company LOL.  It is another sunny day outside looking out the window but having said your $rse could be freezing when you go out.

I suffered from extreme can't spell - vypertilation attack both all days morning and tuesday - stomach swelled up and downlike a poisoned pup.  But am so glad to seee the sun today.

Hoping to get some help to get some cleaning done and maybe Maxie wee walk.  That's the height of my life.  Will be the first day I perhaps will eat a little toast from last Saturday so am looking forward to that.

Hope you have a good day Smow - bye

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Morning JJ. Hope you are feeling much better today - that sounds dreadful.   Yes the sun is trying to break thru here too - hope it stays dry at least. Well enjoy walking little Maxie if you can manage it and tea & some toast sounds just the ticket x

Morning Smow and jj. Glad you are feeling a wee bit better jj, just had tea and toast myself, best start to the day.

The sun is shining and I am feeling a bit more like getting moving for a change. Maybe a bit a of gardening or house  work and I need to practice my procrastination skills.

Have a happy day y'all 

Good morning all (just).
Nothing really on the cards for me today. Might just have a knit and view day. Watching the "Grace" series at the moment, and quite enjoying it.
Quite chilly and overcast here this morning, not at all conducive to getting outside.
Have a good day whatever you get up to.


Good morning 

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Good Morning Wednesday Birds!

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