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Aldi Wagyu Steaks

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barry1010 | 12:24 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | Shopping & Style
33 Answers

Does anyone know if Aldi stocks different items in different parts of the country?

My neighbour really liked the Wagyu sirloin steaks but now her local store only sells Wagyu 'sizzlers' and ranch steaks - thinner, smaller steaks that she does not like.

We are in the middle of four Aldi stores and the sirloins are not sold in any but there is another branch in a more prosperous town about 15 miles away.  Is it worth her while travelling to stock up? She has contacted Aldi and got no definite answer.

Does your local Aldi still sell these steaks?



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Good afternoon,

Could you ring the store direct?  I believe there are regional difference but would not want you to travel there on my word.

Where do they farm these Wagyus?

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In the UK, there are farms that breed Wagyu cattle here.

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She can phone customer services who could only advise she go to the store, they refused to give out the phone number.  I've emailed and asked and had the same answer.


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I have no idea what 'whoosh' means.  Keep repeating it, I still won't know.  Can you answer the question or not, TTT?  This is not Chatterbank

Don't these cheaper, sell on price, stores just find bargains, flog them, then when it's gone, it's gone ? May have to wait until an identical deal is found.

The wagyu seaks are uaually part of the range that changes regularly, used to be called Aldi Finds. they are available for a couple of weeks or so and then get replacced by another range. We get the wagyu steaks at ours maybe every couple of months or so.  We have Ostrich burgers instead this week. It's worth stocking up on the wagyu steaks when they are there.

Can you taste the difference ?

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OG, she says the texture is very different.  I haven't tried them.

Thanks, chelle, I am a very infrequent Aldi shopper so that is useful to know.

I've heard good things about this supplier...if your friend wants to go further afield...

Maybe TTT is trying to say that only Japanese beef is Wagyu...who knows?

I'm told britsh wagyu isn't as good as jaopnese but it does have a lovely flavour all the same

Aldi will only stock what sells in that area I've noticed. If a certain stock is a slow seller they will hit it on the head. I buy bulk rump steak packs, but the Aldi near me don't stock it so have to go to the next nearest that always have it, and that can be depending on the wholesale price, if it increases to high Aldi will reduce their stock or not stock it at all until the price falls. Fresh meat is always up and down in price.

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Thanks, pasta, I'll let her know.

That's like saying Aberdeen Angus can't be bred in France or Australia, the breed is very popular in both countries.

I was attempting humour! It seems on the wrong target.

In my local Aldi, we have only ever had wagyu burgers & they were tasty. 

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Is there a best day to go for this sort of thing?  I'll take her, it's a pleasant enough drive. 

I'm not sure I've ever heard of this before, or at least if I had I'd forgotten. Sounds interesting. I see from your link Barry that it claims to be healthy but surely if you just eat ordinary steak you are not getting fat anyway (unless you eat the fat)

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