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Nectar Prices Not Appearing When Added To Online Order

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pastafreak | 19:20 Mon 28th Oct 2024 | Shopping & Style
5 Answers

As above. I'm doing an order for delivery on Wednesday. Nectar prices...available to me through Thursday...are not being applied. I'm getting the regular price instead. I've removed the item and added keeps happening. 



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Give customer services a ring, Pasta.

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I think that Sainsbury's offers change on a Tuesday so might that be the reason?

It may be that it doesn't show until you checkout at the end.

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Current Nectar price offers...whether those just for me, or store offers...always show up as soon as added to my order list. Right now, store offers are appearing, but not my personal offers.

I can amend the offer until 11pm tomorrow,  so I'll see what happens...may call customer services if all else fails. 

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Nectar Prices Not Appearing When Added To Online Order

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