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Hitchin Rotary 5/1

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Bows48 | 21:21 Sun 22nd Dec 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers

Human body

54 Did Anne Boleyn have an 11th of these (6)

94 Listen carefully I hear the sound of red rum approaching (7)

99 Intermittent interruptor of retinal input (6)

any help lease

thank you



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99 eyelid

94 eardrum

54 finger

//The idea that Anne Boleyn had an extra finger is a misconception that originated in the 16th century//

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Thank you all an for the explanation ellimay 1 

40.  Often pierced for a ring which is not often round. (7)

Help please.

Have seen that answered as Earlobe ?

Yes, but can't see why !


because your ear lobe is pierced for earrings (which are rarely round), whereas rings on your fingers are round.

Thank you sddsddean.


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Hitchin Rotary 5/1

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