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Time For Awful-Groaning Christmas-Cracker Jokes

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DTCwordfan | 18:47 Mon 23rd Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
2 Answers

Over to you, let's have them......

What beats his chest and swings from Christmas cake to Christmas cake?

What happened to the burglar who robbed a UK advent calendar factory?
He got 25 days before release

Why are Mummies such big fans of Christmas?
Because they enjoy wrapping

What do you call an old snowman?

Why is the Labour Party like ancient Bethlehem?

It takes a miracle to find three wise men there



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I love 'daft' - and there's none dafter than Christmas cracker jokes.  😂

Why has Santa been banned from sooth chimneys? Carbon footprints!

What do you call an Elf who's just won the lottery? Welfy!

When is a Christmas dinner bad for your health? When you're a turkey!



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Time For Awful-Groaning Christmas-Cracker Jokes

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