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10 years younger

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soozmac | 12:54 Thu 30th Nov 2006 | TV
3 Answers
has anyone noticed that Nicky Hambilton-Bambilton dresses all of her victims exactly like herself? Last series I think every one of them was wearing a sparkly scarf, as was she. Last night she had that poor old dear wearing a suit just like hers, with the same kind of big belt, and I almost choked when she came out in the wrap dress. Does anyone else think that she doesn't go shopping for these people at all, she just raids her own wardrobe?


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Yes I agree they all end up Nicky Hambilton-Bambliton (I like that name for her) clones!! She can hardly move her face for all the botox I'm sure she must of had her face is like a mask. Very strange.

Yep I think so. It makes me really angry that she insults these people, when what she needs to do is look in a mirror at herself. She's certainly no oil painting.
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she has absolutely no people-skills at all, she looked positively uncomfortable when that woman was about to cry. Get her and her annoying Sath Ifricin accent off my tv!!

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